Tuesday, April 06, 2010


It's been a ridiculously long, dramatic, over the top unnecessary weekend.

I just watched every episode of The Guild. Why have I never watched this show before? It's amazingggggggggggggggggggg. And it made me think about Blizzcon. Meeting people is going to be weird! But I'm like 100% positive it's going to be fun. I'm missing something. I have turned into this person that cares what other people think and I keep myself in check and I pretend to be this person that I'm not. I do the whore thing for attention, and I overplay it. I don't like it anymore. It's not funny. I used to be that girl at the party that was surrounded by a group of people all laughing ridiculously and coming up with insane things to pass the time and HAVING FUN. Now I sit in a chair or on a wall and play a supporting role, watching and not participating. And part of that has to do with my physical self. I hate how I look so I assume others are passing the same judgment on me as well. I feel awkward hugging my friends or shaking people's hands when I meet them. Total lack of confidence.

I don't feel like writing anymore.

1 comment:

Sarah Alway said...

I think a lot of it is more about growing older. Now days I often find myself more content to be less of the center of attention and more of an observer, and that's just fine with me. You should try to feel more comfortable in your own skin. You are essentially the same person you always have been, whether growing up has made you less of an "attention whore" or not, and your friends value you for YOU, who you are today! :-)