Sunday, September 20, 2009

Light up the SKY

At a standstill. So many things to say but so many of those things aren't worth the effort; even less are they worth looking back on.

Target started carrying Dr Bronner's shampoos and soaps. While at first I was pretty excited to see a sort of mainstream acceptance of such an ideal...eventually I was just sad. Like this secret thing I've known about my whole life and cherished as being something only I knew anyone can go get it and love it.

Technology and innovation is leading to the loss of my individuality. At least, most days, it feels like it.

So right now my question is what things have I wanted in life, thinking they would bring me joy and/or happiness, that when I achieved/earned/gained them, did not give me the feeling I thought they would? What did I hope would bring me happiness and didn't?

That's a hard question.

"Authenticity is the key to happiness--the more true you are to yourself, the happier you'll be."

1 comment:

twokniveskatie said...

hey! this blog post of yours is dated august 10th, but it only showed up on my blog home page a couple days ago. weird!

i'm glad to hear from you. i think you are amazing and have a lot of valuable stuff to share. but don't sweat it when you get "stuck". that happens to me lots of times. i just try to stay open to the universe, and to the true inner me, and LO AND BEHOLD! sometimes i open my mouth and words come out! useful ones! just write your heart, sweety. you've got a good one!

i just did a blog post about what an amazing kid richard is. of course, i'm biased :-)