Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Can't sleep through the night

Right then. I went to bed at 2:15.

And was up at 4:45.

Why can't I sleep through the night, again?

Every night I've been sleeping for two & a half hours. And getting up. No matter how desperately tired I've been or how much I know I need to be rested for the coming day.

Of course, yesterday, I lay down for a nap oh about ten (whenever I stopped talking, lol!) and stayed there til 4. So I am sleeping.

Just not when I'd like to.

Wish me luck this morning. I really hope I'm able to get a schedule that works with Walmart again. Stressing about that.

Gotta impress someone today. Gonna somewhat straighten my hair then throw it up & wear a pink sweater & black slacks. Cause the pink shirt I wanna wear is nowhere to be found.

I don't fit into any of my clothes anymore. Need to lose weight or buy new clothes.

Let's go to the scale...

3 lbs or thereabouts.

Eh. I am a fatty fattykins. My arms are realllllly gross and flabby and...gross.

Next subject...ehhh...

Ah yes. Once I have money I'm going to get my eyebrows waxed, and buy some new shoes, and take my sister out to Sushi Rock (good Japanese steakhouse across from the Orange Park mall). And you know. Pay rent. So we have a place to live and all. Oh I'm glad I talked about money I ran outta checks and need to put a new set in my car. Glad I remembered, so when I go pay the electric bill I actually have a way to pay!

Started a book called House of Leaves. One of my book group girls sent it to me; I've yet to find a good review of it, except that it is critically acclaimed. The guy who wrote it is basically like, hey look I know how to use all these literary devices that make a great book...kinda've an in your face I'm a better writer than you understand, sort of way. Know what I mean? I'm just barely into it, but I think it's going to scare the crap outta me (it is a scary story at it's core). It's going to be about a house that is bigger inside than it is on the outside. Pretty hard to describe any more. Good, though, so far. I'm about 35 pages in.

Ok. Gotta get ready and such. I'll jump on aim when I get home. Maybe when I'm driving home, we'll see.


Carrie Mullins said...

Your sleeping schedule sounds quite like the one I had when I lived in Tampa. I never slept through the night, but when I'd get home from classes in the afternoon I'd knonk out for a good several hour nap. I think mine had a lot to do with stress and depression.

mjb said...

stress and depression... thinks to eliminate from your life, as much as you possibly can, miss thing.
i can totally relate, myself.

you know i still haven't used the straightener you gave me? i'm such a slackass.
i should shower more.
give more of a fuck about appearances.
without george, who cares what i look like. (i'm an idiot)