Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I wrote last night. On paper. LoL.

Well, technically this morning.

It was really nice. I wrote real fast and my handwriting was horrible, but I wrote a whole page front and back. My arm hurt from writing so much! I need to practice more :D. Then I went back and reread all my entries from this notebook (it started right after I got fired from Walmart the first time, so essentially it started when I meant you). I talked about you and Johnny and Joyce a lot. I stopped writing...hmm around last Christmas. So not all the drama lol. Maybe an entry or two after Daniel went in the marines. Oh! He broke up with Hallie last night or the night before. She wrote a pretty intense blog about it.

I'm going to bed soon, so I can wake up earlier. I'm going to John's tomorrow, haven't seen him in ages. Gotta give him another forty bucks for Britney, so then I'll only owe him...70. Nice.

I'm sorry Penny left. I'm not sure what lesson you are learning, but hopefully you find a place all your own soon. Try and be good at work. Pot calling the kettle I'm sure, but you really have gotten a pretty good opportunity, ya know? Just try and be on time every day, not a couple minutes late. I know it doesn't seem like reflects, ya know? I don't want you to get fired or anything and you guys to be in the no/low income boat again. You guys deserve to be comfortable and not worried.

OH! In your post, when you said "You like to torture yourself, don't you?" I wrote that to myself like a year ago! When I reread what I wrote I was like hmm, I know myself pretty well!

I'm very...I'm not actually sure how I feel. I'm glad he did add me back, sure. I'm very glad he didn't deny it! lol. That would have just been...ya, on top of ignoring me, then not adding me back, that would have hurt all over again. But I think I'm wouldn't hurt, like, I wouldn't be upset, it would hurt more like a confirmation of things. Does that make sense? He is pretty emo.

His two blogs are very emotional. I always thought it was a joke when David & Kevin said I'd be the guy and he'd be the girl if we dated, but it's true! So true. When I read his blogs and digested them, I was like, what a girl! And then I laughed out loud, and thought to myself, Kevin did tell me!

Ah, did some tentative feeling with Kevin. We're still friends on facebook, and he posted a note (25 facts about me) and one of them was about wasted potential, so I messaged him that part and said "/second". Ah well if he doesn't delete me I'll consider it a victory. Victory? Maybe not. It won't be a dissapointment, at least. I still try with Daniel; I messaged him something small today about all the drama on his page (Charee (Haliees sister) basically was like gg douche bag). Hm. Hrm hrm hrm. Did I tell you what David said the day after I drunk messaged him? He went up to David in gc and was all "Sarah texted me what was up with that?" and david was like "idk" cause he didn't know yet I had done it and luxyvag was all "She was angry!" it was funny when David told me.

My new word this week is smooches.

Going to watch the Science of Sleep soon. Andrew said it's a must. His movie tastes are much more aligned with mine than David & Kevin's were.

Alright then. Have a beautiful day, love.

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