Sunday, December 07, 2008

Arts & Crafts

So I found this roll of light blue "micro spool" bric a brac. And then I remembered something.

For the wedding, since I made my costume....I bought a hot glue gun.


Why haven't I gone arts & crafts crazy? My sister & her bf are being pretty artsy. They developed some of their pics and made collages, and we always make my granny's cards. So we looked in the stickers at Walmart, and kinda just bounced some ideas off each other, and talked about going to Michael's. I already told her when I get a full time job one of the first things we are gonna do (besides going to Sushi Rock) is going to Michael's. I still need an easel. And she would so love it. The last time she went was when she was like maybe eight or nine, with our Baba in Penna.

Something sad. I told her about how I have always wanted to make her a scrapbook, but I don't because she's not a saver and I'm afraid she would throw it away. So we started talking about our likes and such, and she said "I don't even know you anymore". And it was so sad....

Oh well. We are going Wednesday to drive around Middleburg and get ideas on prices for renting and that, and Jeremy's gonna talk to his recruiter and see about the asfab. We've got him going on getting his GED. He wants to go in the Army Reserves, and with his signup bonus we are gonna use that to move out. So a lot of our foray to Starke was talking about our future over the next couple of months, bills, what we want in a house, etc.

I'm really proud of my sister and how independent she is. She is getting between 36 and 44 hours a week, making tons of money. Buying her own hygeine stuff & food. And a lot of pot, unfortunately. But with Jeremy trying to go in the service that's going to be slowing down, and she is gonna see how much money she wastes on that shit.

I bought her main Christmas present on Blitz. It's a three pack of Guitar Hero 1, 2, and Rock's the 80's. She is going to love it, especially since lately she keeps telling me about how bored she is.

Cleaned a bit today....a very little bit. I got my winter jammies out of hiding and cleaned between my bed & my dresser...a whooping two feet by six inches of space! There was so much crammed in there, though....books I forgot I had bought, a couple records, cans of soup, dirty socks...and hair. My room is a perpetual storage shed for hair--mine and the cats.

I wish we still had our Super Nes. So I could play Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past.

That's what I'm craving.

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